Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Sunny Day

Yesterday we had a little taste of spring with temperatures in the high 60's and tons of sunshine. Every time we walked outside Tuttle announced that it was a sunny day, and I could not wait to get the babies outside to enjoy it. I actually woke Tuttle up from his nap an hour early because the girls were ready to soak up some sun. 

I love being able to take the stroller to the park from my house. We are a little over half a mile away, so I strap Maggie into the baby carrier, and Ellie and Tuttle ride in the double stroller. It gives me some necessary exercise on the way to meet friends to play. :)

Everyone in the neighborhood had the same idea that we had, so Tuttle had his pick of buddies to run around with him. He spent a lot of time with his classmate, Emily. They held hands down the slide over and over and ran all over the basketball court on the hill.

Aunt Peach met us at the park, as well. Tuttle and Maggie loved getting some extra snuggles, and I loved the extra help!

This might be my new favorite picture! 

The park is perfect because it has a huge sandbox, playsets, swings, and room for the babies to play/relax on a blanket. I absolutely love our park! Can you tell???

I cannot wait to spend everyday outside this spring! I sure both girls will be walking by then, so things will be a little crazy!!

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