Friday, May 24, 2019

That's A Wrap!

We made it to summer vacation. Everyone is looking forward to sleeping in, no homework, flexible schedules, and making memories at our favorite spots. I am so proud of all three babies for everything they accomplished this year.

Tuesday morning Tuttle and Maggie received their awards. Gram was able to come, too, so it was extra special. Jacob acted like a moody toddler all morning, but that did not take away from the celebration of the big kids taking home all the accolades they have been working so hard to achieve.

Maggie was up first with Flying Eagle (All A's) and Perfect Attendance for the entire year. Maggie is very self-motivated, so 1st grade was much easier the second time around.

Tuttle received Flying Eagle for the entire year and Perfect Attendance for second semester. He only missed one day of school the second week of school! Third grade was no joke, and I am extremely proud that Tuttle pulled off such high grades. Unfortunately Tuttle probably gets the most pressure being the first child, but he always rises to the occasion. (I probably won't even know if Jacob is actually at school when it is his turn!)

Jacob finished his year first with a summer party on Wednesday. He had the sweetest class this year, and I am so sad to end the year and not be in class with the same babies next year. Jacob will stay at the MWF schedule while many of his friends are going five days a week. Jacob absolutely loved his teachers and gave them the biggest hugs as he left.

I cannot believe how much Jacob grew this year. He really changed from a baby into a little boy. That transition from two years old to three years old is very obvious. I cannot wrap my head around no more bottles or diapers in our house ever again.

The last day at the elementary school was filled with class parties. Fortunately Tuttle and Maggie's parties were back to back starting at 8am. Jacob and I walked up there after carpool dropoff.

This celebration was bittersweet since we are losing several of our best friends to the local magnet school next year. We are still crossing our fingers that they change their minds. :)

Maggie's party was only for the students, but since I was delivering teacher gifts for the class, I was able to stop by the fun!

Jacob made sure to get a fresh summer cut before the official start of summer. We are ready now!

Happy Summer 2019!

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