Friday, June 17, 2011

Lunch with Gram

Tuttle is so lucky that both sets of grandparents live so close to him! We rarely go two weeks without seeing them. :) My mom and I try to meet for lunch regularly, so today we drove to Alpharetta to eat at Panera (my FAVORITE!) near her work.

Tuttle loves Sesame Street, especially Elmo and Ernie! He will watch an entire 45 minute Elmo's World video without moving!

I failed to take any pictures during lunch because Tuttle's PB&J was rather messy, but he ate a TON! Jay and I keep thinking his huge appetite is an upcoming growth spurt, but I am beginning to think we just have a boy that will eat us out of house and home!

After lunch, we had a few minutes to walk around. I especially loved Tuttle's outfit today! Yes, I know that the shoes make walking a little more challenging, but I could not resist such adorable flip flops!!

On a side note, he is taking more independent steps this weeks. He averages about five steps before he tumbles down, but he seems determined to get better! 

 Silly Gram!

We are looking forward to a great Father's Day weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey babe. The blog is starting out great. I love you!!
