Friday, June 24, 2011

Splish Splash!

We had another great playdate at the pool today with my friend, Calley, and her son, L.J. I met Calley at the Brookhaven Bolt when Tuttle was about six weeks old, so L.J. is Tuttle's first official friend. :)

Calley and I try to get together frequently to walk, go to the park, or swim with the boys. She lives about half a mile away, and I feel so lucky to have a "mom friend" close by!

Tuttle and I both get a little stir crazy staying at home all day, and since it is about two million degrees outside, the best place to go is the pool!

Tuttle can eat a popsicle like a pro now!
L.J. ready for a dip in the pool :)

Never without his shovel!

L.J. was such a little fish!!

Today, Tuttle spent a lot of time snacking at the grown up table. He devoured raisins, goldfish, and a popsicle in addition to eating yogurt, pancakes, veggie sticks, a hotdog, cinnamon toast, and chicken/veggie macaroni and cheese today!

I hope Tuttle and L.J. remain buddies for a long time! 
Thanks for coming over today, Calley and L.J.!

1 comment:

  1. We had a blast at the pool! LJ took a long nap when we got home! Thanks so much!!
