Monday, June 27, 2011

New Shoes and Lunch Out

On Saturday, Jay was super ambitious. He got up at 6 a.m. and ran a practice Peachtree Road Race. I have a feeling he might win this year! :) Afterward, he had a day with the guys. They went to lunch, played golf, went to dinner and out for a few drinks. 

Tuttle and I decided to go to my mom's for the day. We went to breakfast at our usual spot, J. Christophers and then went shopping! My mom always spoils us rotten! We picked up a couple things for our beach trip (new bathing suits, a colorful dress, a vintage Elmo shirt for Tuttle).

As most of you know, I have been putting Tuttle in shoes since the day he was born. I absolutely LOVE baby shoes! Since I cannot do the big bows on my little boy, shoes are the next best accessory! I was very thrilled when my mom suggested we go to Stride Rite for a pair of good walking shoes.

He was measured for shoes the moment we walked in, and much to my surprise, he needs size 5.5 shoes!! I have been pushing his little feet into size 4 shoes! This was definitely a bad mom moment. :( 

We picked out the cutest shoes that were also recommended for early walkers, and Tuttle walked ALL OVER the store! My mom and I are convinced the shoes really made a difference. Maybe that is why all his friends are walking, and he was still cruising around the apartment!! 

It has become increasing difficult to get a picture of Tuttle since he is on the move now.

On Sunday, we met Val and Paul for lunch at Treehouse.
They are getting married in September, and Jay is very happy to be part of their special day! Paul is one lucky guy to snag Val!! :)

Every time we go out to eat now I am very nervous about how Tuttle will handle it. Dinners are really completely out because he is tired and will not cooperate and sit in the highchair. We still take a chance on lunches.
He was GREAT today! I brought them a PB&J and some snacks, so he could eat right away. He has turned eating into a game and will "drink" his food from a cup or container. It makes us laugh so hard!

Once the food came, Tuttle sat in Paul's lap for the entire meal and munched off Paul's plate. I actually ate an entire meal with TWO HANDS! Thanks, Paul!!

Tuttle loves Val, too!
Don't I have the cutest husband around?

After lunch, Tuttle and I came to Madison to visit his grandparents for a couple days. I know Jay LOVED the quiet time to just veg on the couch. :)

Grandmommy and Grandaddy's house is the best!

1 comment:

  1. The picture of Tuttle with the pickle in his mouth ( or at least I think that is what it is ) is PRECIOUS! He is adorable!!!!!
