Sunday, July 31, 2011

Chattahoochee River Outting

After Jay's fishing trip with Paul yesterday, he raved about the Chattahoochee River and how perfect it was for Bella. This morning, after I slept in until 10:30!, we packed up Tuttle and the dog and headed to the river.

It was absolutely beautiful! Bella could not wait to get in the water and jumped in at the first opportunity!
We set up at the edge of the water and threw the ball a couple times before deciding we were in a spot that was too muddy.

Jay led us a little farther down the trail, and we found the perfect spot next to some huge rocks. Jay waded out into the COLD water (about 50 degrees) while Tuttle had a snack.

This is one of those times when he looks TOO BIG!

Bella was having the time of her life finding the ball in the water and returning it to Jay. She has never been the best swimmer (she cannot seem to keep her head out of the water enough), but she LOVES splashing around!

I guess Tuttle did not want to miss out on the fun. He kept trying to inch toward the water, so we gave in, stripped him down, and let him play, too! The water was freezing, but he continued to show interest, so Jay helped him walk around. I was too afraid I would slip, so I mostly watched.
Obviously, another snack and water break was a must after all that fun!

I cannot wait for Jay to teach Tuttle all his outdoor skills when he gets older. Camping, fishing, hiking and boating are going to be regular activities for my boys! On those weekends, Mommy will be visiting the spa!! :)

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