Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Gymboree Groupon and 15 Month Appointment

I always keep my eye open for a good Groupon, and the company recently started a Groupon Now section that offers discounts on things for a certain period of time. I noticed that Gymboree had been offering an open play time Groupon for a week now, so Tuttle and I snatched one up today for $6 and drove to our local Gymboree for an hour and a half of climbing, running, and exploring the equipment! :)

Honestly, it was EXTREMELY difficult to get pictures today because Tuttle did not slow down much. He had a great time, and the freedom allowed him the opportunity to climb, which gets restricted at home since he wants to climb on the coffee table! 

Stairs! Tuttle's favorite pastime! 

Tuttle was supposed to climb through this hole at the top of the stairs, but he never mastered it. He always turned around to go back down the stairs, and I was there to catch him EVERYTIME when he tumbled down. :)


Tuttle looks like such a BIG BOY here!

We also went to Tuttle's 15 month appointment yesterday. He literally cried the entire time the doctor was in the room with us. The doctor said typically all babies hate him at the 15 month and 18 month check-ups. LOL He is right on track with walking independently, responding to commands, and saying about four-six words (cat, sit, get, daddy, mama) He really only says "mama" when he is really upset and pronounces daddy "ga-gee". What a goofball!

These are his stats:

Height 32 3/4 inches (93%- TALL BOY!) 

Weight 24 lbs 10 oz (76%)

Head Circumference 50 cm (99%- LOTS OF BRAINS!) 

Although I am amazed by his growth everyday, I definitely miss the 7 lb 2 oz newborn! :(

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