Saturday, July 23, 2011

Field Trips with the Kids

Ever since I have started nannying, I have been diligent about taking the kids on field trips every week. My mom thinks I am crazy, but it is honestly easier to load all three kids into carseats and go somewhere fun than to stay at home with three kids under the age of six and entertain for 9 hours. Plus, all three kids are great in the car, and it makes me smile to hear them giggling in the backseat. :)

This week, we went to Leaping Lizards in Decatur. It is so incredibly hot outside right now, so we have to find an "indoor playground" to let loose all the energy. Tuttle is officially old enough to enjoy this place and tried all day to keep up with the big kids. My baby did not look like such a baby when he was climbing into the inflatable mazes, drawing on the chalkboard, and walking/trying to run all over the building. Can I please freeze time and keep him little???

Packing up to go!

Drawing with chalk requires deep concentration.

Tuttle tried to keep up with Stella and Dylan all day!

Friday, we ventured to Fernbank Museum. We have a membership through my nanny family, so we try to go a lot. Previously, I was not impressed with Fernbank at all. The kids' portion was small and boring, so the field trip was a lot of packing and effort to stay about an hour before we saw everything of interest. Recently, the new kids' exhibit, Nature Quest, opened, and I LOVE it! There is so much to explore, touch, and play with from live alligators in a tank to a treehouse with a rope net to climb. All three kids have something to get into, and we have been staying in this area for about an hour or more before we check out the dinosaurs, experiment room, and any temporary exhibits (Right now the temporary exhibit is mythical creatures: unicorns, dragons, giant squids, ect.)

I did not pack the good camera when we went to Fernbank, and my point and shoot was dead when I pulled it out, so iPhone pics will have to do! :)

Group shots are near impossible!

We ended the day by finding a local park completely in the shade. Despite the mosquitoes, it was a perfect end to our Friday.

Have a relaxing weekend!

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